Do you have questions?

We can answer them

Don’t hesitate to give us a call! Our friendly team is on standby, eager to provide you with immediate responses to all your queries and needs. Whether it's about our menu, special dietary requirements, or booking a table, a quick phone call ensures you get the information you need without delay. At Cassio Lovo, we're not just about serving great food; we're here to make your dining experience as seamless and enjoyable as possible. So, pick up the phone and let us cater to your every need with the warmth and efficiency you deserve.

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Phone number

+355 2366 3235

Physical Address

Belgrave Rd 33-73, London, United Kingdom

Postal Code

E17 8QD


  • Monday
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  • 8 AM - 8 PM
  • 8 AM - 8 PM
  • 11 AM - 11 PM
  • 8 AM - 8 PM
  • 11 AM - 4 AM
  • 11 AM - 4 AM
  • 11 AM - 2 AM

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